

Proleadfinder Logo

Company story

In 2016 Sagar Kumar our founder started out as Youtuber, He grew his channel from 0 Subs to 16k Subs in just 1 year in a certain niche, During his Journey he went through a lots of phases from learning Six Sigma to Mastering ad-ops.

In 2022 Proleadfinder was started because he saw a big gap in the market which was B2C SaaS advertising, The information on the topic was too limited.

Proleadfinder Office

In 2016 Sagar Kumar our founder started out as Youtuber, He grew his channel from 0 Subs to 16k Subs in just 1 year in a certain niche, During his Journey he went through a lots of phases from learning Six Sigma to Mastering ad-ops.

In 2022 Proleadfinder was started because he saw a big gap in the market which was B2C SaaS advertising, The information on the topic was too limited.


Proleadfinder culture contains of one thing solely and that We all are humans first before being in the business. We try our best to embrace that our hearts that being said we never back down, If it comes to our clients.

We do things with certainty because certainty brings results while confidence causes delusion.

We exist solely to improve your advertising & digital aspects of things for your SaaS. Helping you acquire and retain is our sole purpose.

That being said our client onboarding criteria & process makes us work with only few people in the industry & that’s the reason why we have lesser than 5 – 10 client slots every year.

So If you are working with us that means we have found something that is potentially great for the world.

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