
Unlocking the Secret to 500 - 600
New SAAS Users Monthly:

Our Unique System Delivers “High Paid Subscription Rate” & Low Churn Rate

Using “Multi-Step Quiz Funnels, New-Gen Testing System for Facebook Ads!”

[New-Gen Testing has helped brands scale from $10k/Month to $Million Dollar Per Month Spend]

A monster framework allows you to generate 500 – 600 New SAAS Users Monthly with a high paid subscription rate and low churn rate.

If you are a SAAS company and have tried running Facebook Ads by yourself but failed every time, even after paying a $7k Retainer to an Expert Facebook Ads Agency or a Media Buyer with a $100M Ad Spend.

After testing tons of ads and not one of them breaking even?

And even after getting that trial, more than half of them leave?

And even after you find a winning ad, That ad dies right after two months without it being able to spend at least over $50k?

If that sounds like you, you should keep reading.

Limitations on who this letter is for? 

  • This is only for SAAS companies, So If you are an E-COM, Real-estates or any other company besides SAAS, then it would be better to drop off here because the whole thing is a limited solution which works on SAAS more than anything else.
  • If you have yet to reach PMF or need to validate the product idea. (If not, you should focus on reaching PMF first, Instead of investing in Ads.)
  • If you don’t have at least $3k – $5k (Minimum to Start) to start with Facebook Ads because If not then you will just be gambling your money away because Algorithm on Facebook needs time and purchases to give your overall results.

Who is this for?

  • If you are a SAAS company that wants to scale on Facebook ads because you know how crucial it has become after the launch of threads to make Facebook Ads work for your company.
  • If you are a SAAS company that requires a solid solution to the whole Facebook Ads problem! And also looking to generate 500 – 600 leads monthly with a high trial rate and the lowest churn rate.
  • If you are looking for something that can help you sustain that new whole level of success with Facebook Ads because you already know how important it is to make a marketing channel work that has over 3Bn+ Daily Active Users!

Dear Reader,

This method will allow you to generate 500 – 600 Leads Monthly with a High Purchase Rate and Low Churn Rate.

Not just leads,

High-Quality leads convert into your customers and not only convert but even Pay and Stay for as long as possible.

And not even that!

Ultimately they end up being your Evangelist and Sharing the words about your product to everyone!

Now we all know that’s the best kind of customer you can get, and that’s the one who spreads the word about your product and recommends everyone!

So sit back “RELAX & TAKE A DEEP BREATH” because, with the help of Facebook ads + Our Monster Funnel, You can even become the industry leaders!

In the nutshell how this whole system works -

A multi-step funnel with a simple yet unique angle gives you High-Quality Leads far superior to any of the cheap leads generated by your old lead magnet – lead generation method by just giving away a free eBook.

A funnel gives you the segmented list of leads with their exact needs on your product, So we can target them via email sequences for those very needs.

A new-gen lead magnet helps your prospect lead understand your product USP and helps them decide that your product is far superior to any other product out there & How this lead magnet is far more superior yet simple to construct than your old E-book.

A way to maximize your Ads and Funnel efforts is by implementing this “RIGHT OFFER AT RIGHT TIME” strategy that LinkedIn is testing and implementing! Not just us but by LinkedIn!

A new testing method and metrics (Developed by a person who has generated over $1Bn+ using just Facebook Ads & Has worked with the FB team to make the algorithm for Facebook Ads!) will help you maximize your ads to the fullest potential, So you will never waste any money on the advertisements that die out when it’s time to scale.

And how this new testing method & multi step funnel with new lead gen magnet and metrics will help you spend $100k or $Millions and generate a Greater brand impact, Greater omni channel revenue generation, A big idea about how Facebook Ads work and How it can help you grow your SAAS, In comparison to LinkedIn & Google Ads.

Now let me get this straight and on to the point,

With my eight years of experience in marketing, design & advertising.

With 250+ Clients served from all over the continent.

The biggest mistake I see people make is that people treat Facebook Ads like a PPC platform and still use the old lead magnets that many people download but never read.

Even If I tell you every single concept of ads & how this funnel is, I can’t because I already have my day job at a SAAS company (I love my job.) & On the side, I run the business of serving tons of SAAS, companies through referrals.

And I don’t want people blaming me for something going south because this whole system and funnels work with me being in it. After all, every company is unique, and the worst thing you could do is take my advice right now and implement it at the wrong time.

That’s why we are presenting FB SaaS Ads+.

  • FB SaaS Ads+ is a system with different frameworks that work with every SAAS company with Low, Mid & High Ticket Offers/Products.
  • You can scale your Facebook Ads to the moon with this set of frameworks because just getting leads and the one-time fix is not something any SAAS company should be looking for!
  • The whole system is backed by tested frameworks that have worked for over 50+ Companies.
  • A new-gen lead magnet that makes your read rate go from 10% to 97%. So, in the end, your lead magnet will not be stored in just memory.
  • We write all the emails that the funnel has segmented, and those emails have an open rate of 96%, with action taking a rate of 60 – 70%.
  • A new ads testing strategy that will go to make the Facebook ads work for you and that is only known to like top 10k advertisers or even less.
  • “RIGHT OFFER AT RIGHT TIME” Strategy to ensure your advertising efforts are not going in vain. LinkedIn is using this strategy, which works 90% of the time and helps you increase your revenue and improve your SAAS product overall.
  • You can quickly get 500 – 600 leads, with a 60 – 70% conversion rate with a low churn rate of less than 10%.

How exactly we do this? And what's our high level promise to you?

Step 1: Engaging Quiz Funnel for High-Intent Customers In this step, we create a powerful quiz funnel that attracts high-intent customers to your SAAS product. The funnel uses a unique approach, combining both broad targeting and tailored questions to find the right audience. We create a one-page report through competitive research highlighting your product’s unique selling points (USPs) and features. By presenting the right offer at the right time, we ensure we reach quality prospects genuinely interested in your product.

Step 2: Nurturing Opt-Ins and Non-Opt-Ins Once prospects opt-in for a 14-day free trial or choose not to, we initiate targeted email sequences and retargeting ads to cater to their specific needs. For those opting for the trial, we create systems that provide guidance and support to maximize their product usage. For the non-opt-ins, we educate them about your product based on their preferences and interests, amplifying our message around what they need.

Step 3: Retaining and Upselling For those who cancel after the trial, We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee or an offer tailored to your SAAS market, along with a course to help them make the most of the product. Meanwhile, for the ones who stay, we focus on upselling and maximizing customer lifetime value (LTV) through strategic offers and incentives.

Step 4: Understanding and Improving Churn In the final step, we aim to understand the reasons behind churn. We ask departing customers for feedback to determine whether the churn rate is voluntary or involuntary. This valuable insight helps refine the funnel, ads, and email sequences, allowing us to continually improve the process and retain more high-value customers in the long run.

Request a DEMO of FB SaaS Ads+ in 3 Steps -

Fill the form below

If you would like access to our framework fill out the form below

Answer all the questions

Answer all the questions to make sure If you are the right fit for FB SaaS Ads+

wait for us to contact you

If we see that you are good fit to work with us, We will reach out to you.

Please note – If you are not a SAAS company that has reached PMF then this product is not for you, This product is a business amplification tool that allows your SAAS to dominate the whole industry and capture tons of market share, It will amplify your current business model, So If it’s not good to begin with then Facebook Ads can’t fix that.

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